Use Cases

Hotel Operators: Hotel operators can protect not only their investment in the real estate from long term negative effects of smoke and carcinogens, along with their staff and bring peace of mind for their guests and visitors – they can now DETER, DETECT, AND legally ENFORCE non-smoking policies without fear of having penalty charges reversed by Bank or credit card agencies. With an average fine of only $250.00 per occurrence, operators now have a way to tangible non-destructive test method to prove and collect on violations, and recover true costs for room cleaning, damages, staff costs and lost income, creating a more secure revenue stream and protecting staffing and long-term interests in their businesses.


Rental Car Operators: Car and truck rental operators can protect not only their investment in their vehicle fleet from the long-term negative effects of smoke and carcinogens, along with the peace of mind they can give their staff, customers, drivers, and riders – they can now DETER, DETECT and ENFORCE non-smoking policies and resulting infraction penalties. With an average fine of just $250.00 per occurrence, operators now have a way to prove and recover true costs from non-smoking violations, creating a more secure revenue stream and protecting long-term interests in their fleet and operation.


Property Managers: Property managers of commercial, experimental, government, private, public, residential locations or facilities can protect not only their real estate investment from the long term negative effects of smoke and carcinogens, but bring with peace of mind to their customers, patrons, tenants, and families – they can now DETER, DETECT, AND ENFORCE non-smoking policies. With an average fine of $250.00 per occurrence, property managers now have a tangible way to prove and collect on non-smoking violations, creating a stronger deterrent against violations and protect long-term interests in their portfolio and overall operations.


This includes properties such as:

    • AirBnB, Homeaway, Timeshares, and Other Real Estate
    • Airports and Aircraft
    • Casinos and Entertainment Properties
    • Convenience Stores and Gas Stations
    • Convention Centers
    • Government Facilities and Property
    • Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
    • Parking Lots and Structures
    • Parks and Public Spaces
    • Public and Private Transportation, including on board buses, taxis, Uber, Lyft, Limos, etc.
    • Residential Properties for Landlords or Owners
    • Restaurants, Bars, Lounges, and Nightclubs
    • Rental Properties, Apartments, and Housing Complexes
    • Retail Establishments
    • Schools, Universities, and Educational Facilities
    • Stadiums and Arenas
    • Subway Stations, Train Stations, Trains, and Related Areas
    • Zoos, Shelters, and Protected Spaces

-And more….if you can imagine it, we can cover it!

Consumers: Consumers can now protect themselves, their loved ones, children, babies, parents, and grandparents from the life-threatening and long-term medical effects from secondhand smoke and cancer inducing carcinogens. With our technology, one can now deter, detect, and eliminate any risks related to second-hand smoke or vape.

Worried that your teenager or loved one may be smoking or vaping in their bedroom, bathroom, car or garage? Put our stickers there and see if and when it is happening and what is being smoked or vaped – tobacco, THC or PCP.


Concerned a home or apartment may not be a safe environment for your newborn or child? Put our stickers throughout the property and measure the air quality.


Fearful that a loved one is in an environment with too much secondhand smoke or vape? Don’t just guess, use our technology to know, have, demonstrate, and witness the facts.


Protect yourselves and all your loved ones today and tomorrow.