Passive Detection Systems FAQ

What is the purpose of detectionstickers.com?

To allow consumers, governments and small business owners the opportunity to discover, research and procure our Passive Detection products and technology to help deter, detect, and enforce smoking violations within non-smoking environments or in environments where smoking is unwanted.

What is the name of the company behind detectionstickers.com?

Passive Detection Systems LLC, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

What products are sold and what do they do?

PDS Detection Stickers for Smoking and Vaping are proprietary Detection Stickers from PDS LLC that may be covertly placed onto any clean and smooth surface to detect nicotine, tar, THC, vaping, e-cigarettes, PAH’s, wax, and a plurality of carcinogenic chemicals from acts of smoking or active vaping in the immediate vicinity. Stickers may be covertly placed in any hallway or room in your house, hotel, vehicle, garage, rental property, timeshare, cruise ship, boat, aircraft, train, or business establishment. Our technology and product line use nondestructive covert chemical applications to detect unwanted smoking and/or vaping in areas designed as non-smoking.


The PDS Particle Illuminator for Smoking and/or Vaping is a proprietary illuminator from PDS that may be utilized to detect nicotine, tar, THC, vaping, e-cigarettes, PAH’s, wax, and a plurality of carcinogenic chemicals from smokers and/or active vaping in the immediate vicinity by illuminating the proprietary PDS Detection Stickers for Smoking and Vaping (sold separately). The illuminator will reveal acts of smoking and/or vaping in the immediate vicinity with the flick of a switch. Just illuminate any of the PDS Detection Stickers and know in real-time if  smoking and/or vaping infractions have occurred.

Do I need to order a PDS Illuminator or can I use any illuminating device?

You will need to order a custom PDS Illuminator for Acts of Smoking and Vaping to be able to detect evidence of airborne nicotine, tar, THC, vaping particles, e-cigarettes, wax, and carcinogenic chemicals from acts of smoking and/or active vaping. PDS Illuminators are designed to detect the specific energy activation events described above. Normal visible light illumination and the human eye cannot detect activated Detector Stickers.

How Many Detection Stickers Come In A Package? How Many Particle Illuminators Will I Need?

Each Set (or unit) contains three (3) Detection stickers with identical QR Codes for future identification and tracking purposes. So, when ordering a shrink-wrapped package of 100 Sets of Detection Stickers, you actually are receiving 300 Detection Stickers.

We recommend ordering at least one (1) or more Illuminators per location – depending on the number of housekeeping and/or staff users, plus added Illuminators for management and several spare Illuminators.  If a hotelier, one Illuminator per housekeeping cart with one or more Illuminator for management and senior staff. If a vehicle rental facility, one Illuminator per vehicle detailer. It is recommended to procure as many Illuminators as necessary to protect your operational assets.

What is the shelf life of Detection Stickers and how long before needing to be replaced?

The shelf life of each unopened shrink-wrapped package of 100 sets of 3 Detection Stickers is twelve (12) months. Once a shrink-wrapped package is opened and Detection Stickers are exposed to airborne particles, each Detection Sticker is effective for approximately one (1) month. Once a Detection Sticker within a Set has been exposed to smoke and/or vaping particles, or exceeds one month service, we suggest replacing entire Set of 3 Detection Stickers with fresh Set of 3 Detection Stickers for airborne particle capture and detection.

What does each product look like and what are their specifications?

Click on PDS LLC Product Links for details on color, dimensions, weight and visualization.

Are the products and technology behind them proprietary?

All PDS LLC products, technologies and processes are protected under international patents-pending and trade secrets.

Can I Order PDS Products Right Now? What Are Lead Times For Delivery?

PDS LLC is currently accepting pre-orders through this web site and affiliated sites – both domestic and foreign. In the US and Canada, product pre-orders may be placed directly with PDS LLC Las Vegas offices and management. Distribution partners outside the US and Canada are currently being established to ensure expedient delivery of PDS products on a global basis. Current prices are discounted for new customers taking advantage of this timely opportunity.

What is the recommended order volume for PDS Detection Stickers?

For a one-month supply of Detection Stickers, PDS LLC recommends thirty (30) Sets of 3 Detection Stickers PER room, vehicle, or 1,000 square foot space you desire to be protected.

For example, for a hotel with 200 rooms and/or suites, PDS would recommend 6,000 Sets of 3 Detection Stickers, plus 5% or 300 Sets of 3 Detection Stickers for public areas such as hallways, elevators, stairwells, check-in/check-out, lobby, offices, housekeeping and restaurants monthly.

For a rental car agency location with 100 vehicles on the lot, we recommend 3,000 Sets of 3 Detection Stickers per 100 vehicles – per month.

If you are a property manager with 500 2-bedroom properties and you only focus on bedrooms, we recommend 30,000 Sets of 3 Detection Stickers monthly.

If you have a single AirBnB property with 3 bedrooms but want to protect ten (10) rooms in your home, we recommend 300 Sets of 3 Detection Stickers monthly.

There are quantity discounts for higher purchase volumes. PDS LLC does not recommend purchasing excessive high volumes of Detection Stickers Sets if they will not be utilized within twelve (12) months.

What are the recommended placement locations for Sets of Detection Stickers?

Detection Stickers are removable pressure sensitive adhesive backed polypropylene and will adhere to most clean and smooth surfaces. PDS LLC recommends cleaned glass, mirrors or smooth vertical surfaces (i.e. walls, cabinets, etc.) for the highest rate of Detection effectiveness.

What Are The Recommended Placement Locations For Set Of 3 Detection Stickers Within A Hotel Room?

Bathroom mirror, bedroom mirror, windows or other clean and smooth surfaces. One can place Detection Stickers in a visible area as a deterrent or a space that is less obvious to potential smokers, knowing Detections Stickers are inherently covert. For full coverage of a room, PDS recommends 3 or more separate placements.

What Are The Recommended Placement Locations For Set Of 3 Detection Stickers Within Car Or Rental Vehicles?

Front windscreen on driver side, rear window on passenger side, upon dashboard, car panel or other clean and smooth location. One can place Detection Stickers in a visible area or a space that is non-obvious and more covert to potential smokers. For full coverage within a vehicle, we recommend 2 or 3 separate Detection Sticker placements depending on the size of the vehicle.

What are the recommended placement locations for Set of 3 Detection Stickers in an apartment, house or rental property?

Mirrors, windows, or other clean and smooth surfaces – either horizontal or vertical, within the vicinity of potential smokers is ideal. One can place Detection Stickers in a visible area or a space that is non-obvious or more covert to potential smokers. For full coverage at a property, PDS recommends 2 to 3 separate Detection Sticker placements per room depending on the room size or overall dimensions.

How Often Does PDS Recommend Using Illuminators To Check Set of Detection Stickers For Acts Of Smoking Or Vaping Activation?

For a business establishment, PDS recommends investigating Detection Stickers upon the Check-in and return of rental vehicles, Guest check-out of hotel rooms or suites –  whatever makes sense for your business to detect, deter and enforce non-smoking policy violations. More frequent checks, such as daily investigations, will provide you the opportunity to validate multiple non-smoking violation along with a timestamp. Remember that once a Detection Sticker has become activated and detected airborne smoke and/or vaping particles, it is suggested to replace activated Detection Stickers to measure for repeat occurrences of non-smoking policy violations – keeping activated Sets of Detection Stickers in the secure Detection Packaging. Detection Stickers will not tell you how many times a non-smoking policy violation has occurred, albeit there is a cumulative effect from the total overall airborne particles from acts of smoking and/or vaping.

Does the overall size of a room, property or vehicle alter the effectiveness of Detection Stickers?

No, though if a Detection Sticker’s location is across the room from where acts of smoking or vaping are occurring, or in an adjacent room, it will simply take a longer period of time for smoking and/or vaping airborne particles to reach the Detection Sticker and be activated. In general, PDS Detection Stickers are ideal for indoor environs of spaces of approximately 1,000 ft2 dimensions or less, and/or 10,000 ft3 cubic volume per Detection Sticker.

Can Detection Stickers work in outdoor environments, in areas such as a patio or entry way?

Detection Stickers will collect and hold airborne particle matter from acts of smoking and/or vaping regardless of the environs. Outdoor weather conditions may reduce and/or influence concentrations of airborne particle matter from acts of smoking or vaping. Just as one can smell smoke from a person walking past who smokes or vapes, Detection Stickers also will collect and hold minute airborne particles from acts of smoking or vaping in the same manner. Remember that acts of smoking and vaping release a multitude of airborne chemical components – nearly all of which are detectable through Detection Stickers.

Could a consumer or third party find a Detection Sticker and simply remove, cover or block it?

Should a consumer remove, destroy or interfere with Detection Stickers on their own, PDS recommends enforcing a de-fault penalty. Smokers violating non-smoking policies will always look for some loopholes, answers of convenience or tales of farication, which is why one should place Detection Stickers from a Set in both overt and covert locations.  Since Detection Sticker are inherently covert – being transparent and having outward appearance of a simple “No-Smoking” indicia label to deter act of smoking and/or vaping, but to have overt – “hidden in plain sight” Detection Sticker placement location – like a bathroom mirror or vehicle drive side windscreen, as well as covert or hidden Detection Sticker placement – underside of a glass table, outdoor window location or rear seat passenger side window, as well as contract language and witnessable signage at check in or rental counter of PDS Detection Systems under signatory.

The goal should not be to trick or deceive a consumer – PDS products and technologies are intended for customers and businesses who wish to have more effective deterrence, detection of violations, enforcement and monetary recovery of non-smoking violation policies.

This is a great concept, but what are the alternatives for smoking detection?

The nose “sniffing” test has been the standard method in possible enforcement of non-smoking violations and resulting penalties and recovery charges, but many incidents are challenging to enforce because operators lack validation. Recovery and penalty charges billed to violators are more often than not, reversed by bank and/or credit card companies. PDS Detection stickers are the only non-destructive means to provide validation and can be scientifically proven down to the tobacco brand and act of smoking chemical compounds captured and activated. Electronic sensors are ineffective, expensive, cumbersome to setup, needing to be replaced upon each activation to meet legal changes, and they also cannot differentiate between smoking-related particles the way Passive Detection Systems can.

What is the average fine per smoking or vaping incident?

The average fine per non-smoking violation incident in a hotel, rental car, or private establishment is $250.00 USD, meaning that you’ll receive a 250-fold return-on-investment per occurrence (cost per Set of 3 Detection stickers is $2.00 or less). There is an even larger return on investment for the deterrent factor in stopping a smoker, because by their choice to not smoke, you maintain a smoke-free, carcinogenic-free environment for guests, visitors and staff. This is powerful for your peace of mind as well as for those you serve and care for. In addition, the true costs for recovery of an asset to be returned to usable status – hotel room, AirBnB or rental vehicle goes far beyond the $250 penalty fee, thus aiding your business EBIDTA, much less gaining Client relationship in providing smoke-free environs.

What are the legal ramifications in proving the accuracy of our product to a consumer?

PDS Detection stickers become activated once coming in contact with, collecting and holding airborne chemical particles. Customers may validate the effectiveness of the Detection Sticker through confirmation utilizing a third party analytical chemical diagnostic laboratory to further validate and legally enforce any violation. While PDS LLC warranties and stands behind all of our products, we cannot guarantee that customers will properly position and/or utilize our products and/or technologies to claim 100.0% accuracy levels.

How accurate is PDS LLC Detection Sticker process?

PDS LLC Detection process is approximately 99+% accurate and is scientifically proven. The reason we cannot claim 100% accuracy (aside from our lawyer’s recommendations) is that we cannot guarantee that our customers will place the Detection stickers Sets in the appropriate locations, properly interpret the readings from the Illuminators and/or rigorously maintain reporting and validation protocols for policy enforcement. We can say, however, that our company’s methods are the most accurate, scientifically proven and broadest in the world, which is why we are excited to share our technology with you and the world.

How do Detection Stickers work and how are they activated through acts of smoking and/or vaping?

Detection stickers work with a proprietary chemical application applied upon a clear polypropylene removable adhesive strip. When airborne free-floating smoke and/or vape particulate matter from acts of smoking and/or vaping attach within the surface of the strip they become captured and are permanently entrapped. When illuminated with a Particle Illuminator, chemistries will excite, causing the Detector to fluoresce emitting various colors and intensities thus indicating that the “Sticker” has been activated and immediately informing and confirming to the customer or staff that the room, vehicle, or space has been subject to smoking and/or vaping.

What can be learned from scanning a Detection Sticker?

When scanning a Detection sticker with PDS proprietary Particle Illuminator, a customer can visually see the activated particulate chemical compounds captured by the Detection sticker, as well as a discrete QR Code per Set of Detectors for tracking and accountability. Additionally, these QR codes can be cataloged to identify the location, date, time, and other details for logging and record keeping purposes, thus simplifying the process to enforce a violation and penalty and keep track of specific Detection stickers as needed for legal validation, without limitations.

How can I have confidence the smoking or vaping incident occurred in a specific room or location, and not in an adjacent room or area?

PDS LLC Detection Stickers will collect even parts-per-billion of airborne particle matter for Detection. Collected airborne particulate matter will somewhat reflect the overall airborne concentration, and with the PDS Particle Illuminator, the intensity of the fluorescence display will have a direct relationship to the particle concentration. If detecting for nicotine in smoke or vape for example, then the overall degree of fluorescence will be linked to the airborne nicotine concentrations. The PDS Detection Sticker will still fluoresce but at a much lower intensity. An adjacent or near-by room having a positive Detection (for one or more airborne chemical components of smoke or vape) will likely be seen from common or linked air ventilation, but at a far weaker level of fluoresce. This is why we recommend that PDS Detection Stickers be placed throughout a property – such as hallways, near elevators, housekeeping locations etc. for background detectionand be periodically replaced. A set of three PDS Detection Stickers will generally put this question to rest in a heartbeat. With one sticker on bathroom mirror, one in the living room area, and one upon a perimeter window, all three Detectors would show noticeable differences in their respective levels of fluorescence if the act of smoking or vaping occurred in another location. However, an act of smoking or vaping within a hotel room will result in major fluorescence emission upon all three stickers.

Finally, of inhaled nicotine, some 80% is biologically converted in the body by the liver into cotinine and other metabolites, which has a half-life of 15 hours – nicotine’s half-life is about two hours. A percentage of metabolites are exhaled through normal respiration, becoming air-borne chemical components from recent acts of smoking or vaping, and thus may be captured by the PDS Detection Stickers with detection through fluorescence and would serve as an informal confirmation.