
Passive Detection Systems LLC is comprised of a team of chemists, researchers, technologists, marketers, and businessmen looking to protect businesses, persons and property from the life-threatening and life-changing effects from exposure to second-hand smoke or vape. Our technology offers the world’s first passive smoking and vaping non-destructive detection solution.


Since a 1964 Surgeon General’s Report, 2.5 million non-smoking adults died due to breathing secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke causes numerous health problems in infants and children, including more frequent and severe asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ear infections & sudden infant death syndrome. More than 1,000 infants due annually from secondhand smoke. Additional health conditions caused by secondhand smoke in adults include coronary heart disease, stroke & lung cancer. While the public has become more aware of the consequences, governmental /commercial policies & sanctions have not deterred smokers enough to protect the general public.


Businesses have had no scientific way to enforce non-smoking policies or detect dangerous chemicals and have relied on the nose test. Unfortunately, we, as humans, have not been able to use our five basic senses to detect smoking and vaping along with their long-term harming effects. Equally, consumers, parents and families have no way to know if their surrounding environment is filled with airborne particles from acts of smoking or vaping. That’s why our company developed and filed patents for  passive smoking & vaping detection stickers and particle illuminators for enforcement of non-smoking policies. With our technology, parents can now detect levels of second-hand smoke around their babies, children and loved ones, hotel and rental car operators can now mitigate and enforce non-smoking policy infractions and penalties, while property managers can now protect their homes, apartments, and real estate investments.


Our solution is not only affordable, it pays for itself from the moment you purchase it. It enables for detection in real time for nicotine, tar, THC, PAH’s and PCH. Business owners benefit from enforcing violations (which, on average, are $250.00 per incident). Property managers have a deterrent and method to protect their real estate from long-term damage and effects. Parents have peace of mind to ensure their infants, children and love ones are in clean and safe air quality environments at all times. Check out our use cases for more details.